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sketch models

Pavilion X


The Project: pavilion x was a design lead design for the canberra design week 2015. university of canberra students competed for a spot to represent the university in the design week. then students were placed into groups and earlier on collaborated on designs that one would eventually be nominated the winning design. my groups design would be the one to win the competion and would later be built for the design week.


The Design: the design was to be a setting area that would also host serval other activites, such as talks and performances, a playground for children and skaters, and a visual entertainment during the night. this was achieved by th light weight tranculent structure that allowed for visual gaze to look beyond, thus intergrating into garem place allowing for a tranquile intergration whilst sitting. mixed with the light show and the constant talks and performance it produced a new found interest to the space.

detail sections

work in progress

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